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Born 1973 County of Devon

I started hunting at the age of 8 with an air rifle at rabbits. As I grew the hunting grew with me and as I have grown I’ve learned to study and most of all respect the quarry I hunt.

Over the years I have covered a range of hunting from netting rabbits with ferrets, rough shooting, driven pheasant, duck hunting, up to shooting walked up grouse over red setters (pointing dogs)… too many to list but my passion is wildfowling (duck hunting).

I took up rifle shooting 25 years ago and to date have shot 5 of the 6 U.K. deer Species. I have stalked and killed Muntjac, CWD, roebuck, Fallow and Red deer… just the sika to add.

With a lot of my hunting, I have man’s best friend with me and over the years I have lost some very special four-legged friends.

I have trained all my own dogs for all the types of hunting I do. We all have very special memories of hunts and I have lots with my dogs;
(I call them my boys! Which at times when talking with people they think I have children!! Lol I have to explain that they are my dogs).

I do a range of fishing not as much as my hunting but now and then I get out to fish.

I am new to bow hunting, having had a go as a young lad, I am now hooked! With lots of research, I bought my first bow and taught myself how to shoot and set up a compound bow.

I started thinking where I could hunt as unfortunately bow hunting is not allowed in the U.K.

Whilst talking with a work colleague about hunting whitetail deer in America and looking into the cost and so on, he said why don’t you try Denmark!!

“Denmark??” I said.

Yeah they bow hunt there and it’s closer so not as far to travel…

I found WILD Jaeger on YouTube whilst searching for Bowhunting in Denmark, well that was it! I was sold and this is where I met Ricky Mills.
I contacted him through WILD Jaeger holiday/hunting trip was booked to Denmark. I then had to take my IBEP test to hunt abroad.

So I go to Denmark and meet Ricky and have a fantastic time hunting with him and on returning stayed in contact.

Which brings me up to the present day when Ricky invited me to become a WILD Jaeger Pro team member…

Country’s hunted:
– U.K.
– Denmark

Hunt with:
– shotgun
– rifle
– bow

Also Affiliated member of British Bowhunters Association and BASC

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