By The Pro Staff at WILD Jaeger
In North America, Turkey season will be starting soon and if you are like our Pro-Staff at WILD Jaeger, you are already dreaming of giant spring gobblers. It has been a very long winter and everyone is anxious to get into the woods and do some hunting. However, whether you are a long time Turkey hunter or new to the action, here are some tips that can help you be safer and more successful in 2014.

Figure 1 “Photo” A nice Pennsylvania Tom, seen March 22, 2014, thanks Austin Young for the photo.
- When you buy your license and tags make sure you have a copy of all the rules and regulations for your particular state and read them. Hunting regulations, dates and times can change from year to year. As hunters, it is our responsibility to know the law and set the example.
- Know the range and limitations of your particular weapon. It does not matter if you are using a shotgun, a crossbow or a long bow; it is very important to know its effective range. Pattern your gun and the specific shells you intend to use. Sight in your scope and tune your broadheads accordingly.
- Use the natural terrain and cover to your best advantage. Try hunting on saddles and setting your decoys up in transition lanes. If it’s legal in your state, you may want to use a ground blind. Keep your camouflage up to date for the season and make sure your pattern has not faded.
- Be vigilant, sometimes turkeys come in silently without ever gobbling. If you have properly scouted the hunting area, and know turkeys are in the area, have the patience to stick it out.
- If you can see the bird, he can see you. Keep movement and noise to an absolute minimum. It only takes one mistake for old Tom turkey to be over the hill quickly.
Safety has to be the number one priority when hunting. Minimum fluorescent orange requirements must be met or exceeded. Never stalk a calling bird (chances are it is a hunter), be 100% positive of your target and what is beyond it.
Speak with local landowners and conservation officers in your area for the best information on flocks. Gain written permission from the landowner prior to any scouting or hunting.
Practice your calling as well as your shooting, and have a fantastic spring Turkey season. Old Tom turkey is hard to fool and even harder to kill. Shoot straight and be safe in 2014!